Mary Jo Bole
Cleveland, Ohio

The impermanence of permanence is a recurring theme in Mary Jo Bole’s sculptures, installations, and other creative projects. She investigates this quality from a perspective shaped by the artifacts of Victorian left- over culture she encountered in her family’s home and by the rustbelt decay of Cleveland, where she grew up.
She is now based in Columbus, where she was a professor in the department of art at The Ohio State University. Recent solo exhibitions include Tombs and Toilets at Mt. Saint Mary’s College in Los Angeles (2014) and William Busta Gallery in Cleveland (2015) and Family White Elephant 1860 at the Beeler Gallery, Columbus College of Art & Design (2015).
Her work was also featured in the group exhibition Heavy Metal at the Akron Art Museum (2017). She is currently making a video documentary supported by an artist residency at the Wexner Center for the Arts’ Film/Video Studio Program at The Ohio State University.